Business Directory

MsPsGFree Inc

6127 S. University, Ste 34
Phone: 16309626762


MsPsGFree was born from a need for healthy delicious, clean eating and snacking. Lisa Marsh was having health issues such as acid reflux, flatulence, and digestive issues so much so that her husband said, “You are too pretty to smell like that”. Lisa had to take action and went to the doctor to determine what was happening. The doctor made recommendations and Lisa was confused. Then in March of 2009, Lisa lost her mom, Mrs. Youlas Patterson-Brown, affectionately known as MsP. MsP was Lisa biggest cheerleader and told her she could do anything she put her mind to. After working farmers markets, then taking accelerator courses and learning about building a business, MsPsGFree Inc was born and certified in December of 2015. Then placed on the shelf at our very first Whole Foods Market location in Englewood by September of 2016.