Virtual Member Meeting : Successful Business Tips for Operating Your Business
OnlineMeeting Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950669219? PW: =okq2iGPcDi5Ab7bz6fliiWGcOcxq6H.1
Meeting Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86950669219? PW: =okq2iGPcDi5Ab7bz6fliiWGcOcxq6H.1
The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), in partnership with the 20th Ward and the Woodlawn Chamber of Commerce, invites community members to participate in a hybrid (click title for Zoom link, ID, and passcode) Community Meeting to discuss existing conditions and potential improvements for the plaza located at East 62nd Street and South Ingleside Avenue. […]
Come learn about Commercial Leasing w/a virtual chat by your local Real Estate Team